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So what you’re doing is; you’re reaching your hand in the grave, and you’re saying, “Come on all your righteous people who want to survive on the earth.  Come on you real deal.  If you want to breathe air, and water, and live in the harmony, get with it”. 

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed is thy Life on Earth – ATWA.

You see it?  Then it’s a part of you and you’re a part of it. And you are the order of ATWA. 

… It’s not the question, “Why did you crucify Christ?”.  You search the books, you search the scholars, you go through all the high minds of the world and say, “Why did you crucify Christ?”, and you’re not going to get an answer because it’s the wrong question.

The question is – are you ready?  Why are you crucifying Christ? 

Why are you crucifying Christ every day?  Every day you’re killing Christ’s air.  Every day you’re taking Christ’s life.  Every day you’re poisoning Christ’s water. 

If you really truly love Christ, then get with ATWA. 

The ATWA is the righteous order of the planet. 

It started with George Washington, the Sons of Liberty.  The Sons of Liberty gave their life.  We cannot live without liberty.  Liberty is the thing that makes our hearts beat.  Liberty is the thing that gives us ‘human’. 

There’s no humans. All the humans now are brain-dead. 45 years… you’re all that’s helped, you and… 

Everybody that’s helped has always had a fuckin’ ulterior motive for something other than ATWA. They don’t give a fuck about ATWA, they use ATWA to get some money, or use ATWA to get some attention.  You know, I mean, who really gives a fuck about ATWA? 

The bugs, birds, trees, they do – ‘cause they have to, ‘cause they’re in the will of God.  God knows.


Charles Manson    April 15, 2013