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Links Page

 See the contact page for our current email address.

Charles Manson (Official) Facebook page -- Sorry, Facebook banned us.  After gaining nearly 100,000 followers and adding hundreds per day, the page was taken down with no explanation and no option to appeal.

ATWA (Official) Facebook page -- www.facebook.com/ATWAofficial

Charles Manson on Twitter -- @MansonDirect

ATWA on Twitter -- @ATWAofficial

Tumblr -- MansonDirect.tumblr.com

YouTube -- youtube.com/ATWARwithlies

ATWA website -- www.ATWAearth.com

Get Manson albums and art prints -- CharliesArts.com

More information and quotes from Manson - AtwaAtwar.com 

"What the Health" documentary, available on NetFlix.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf44vLndiRM

Amazing documentary about health, diet, and the American system of food production, medical care and environmental destruction.

Ecological Internet

Forests.org -- http://forests.org/   Ecological Science Based Forest Conservation Advocacy.

Forests.org Provides Vast Forest Conservation News, Information Retrieval Tools and Original Analysis


ClimateArk -- http://www.climateark.org/

Another effective organization for actions to help save our living planet - BiologicalDiversity.org


WaterConserve -- http://www.waterconserve.info/

PEW Environment Group  --  http://www.pewenvironment.org/

Organic Consumers Association  --  http://www.organicconsumers.org/


ScoreCard.org lets you view pollution rankings by state, county or zip code and give detailed descriptions of the uses and effects of the toxic chemicals released in each area: http://www.scorecard.org/ranking/


At TheRainForstSite.com, one free click of your mouse saves 11 square feet of rain forest: http://www.therainforestsite.com/


Learn and teach about Water conservation

Learn about drinking water, water pollution, oceans and everglades from the Natural Resources Defense Council : http://www.nrdc.org/water/default.asp

Death of the Worlds Rivers

North Sea Facing Collapse of Ecosystem


CowSpiracy.com - must see documentary on the factory farming industry

Meat Stinks: http://www.meatstinks.com/earth.html

PETA- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: http://www.peta.org/


RareSeeds.com - A good source for pure heirloom seeds and information

Environmental Defense is dedicated to protecting the environmental rights of all people, including future generations: http://www.environmentaldefense.org

Health Alert- Sweet Stuff? New information charges artificial sweetener could be dangerous to your health.

Home heating system made of aluminum cans
